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Writer's pictureBilquis Ali

7 Essential Skills Every Director of Nursing Must Possess

As a Director of Nursing, there are several essential skills you need in order to succeed.

This role requires more than just clinical knowledge; it demands leadership, adaptability, and a whole lot of patience.

Let’s dive into the seven must-have skills that will help you not just survive, but thrive as a DON.

1. Communication

Have you ever spoken to your staff, only to realize later that your message wasn’t received the way you intended? Effective communication is key in this role. Whether you’re giving instructions to your team, having tough conversations, or addressing residents’ families, learning to communicate clearly and confidently is crucial. The better you communicate, the smoother everything runs.

2. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

In this role, events will happen that require you to think fast and make decisions on the fly. That’s where critical thinking comes in. You’ll need to figure out what takes precedence when things are happening all at once. Sometimes, you'll have to make choices with little information, so honing your problem-solving skills is a must.

3. Emotional Intelligence

Ah, emotional intelligence—I’m still learning this one, LOL. Some days, people will test you, and as the leader, you have to stay calm and composed. Emotional intelligence means being empathetic, handling conflicts without taking them personally, and understanding your staff's and residents' feelings. Trust me, in this role, emotions will run high, but you’ve got to be the steady hand in the storm.

4. Time Management and Organization

You need to manage your time better than you manage your money! You can’t get time back, so prioritizing, delegating, and staying on track are critical. If you’re not organized, your day will run you instead of you running it. And let’s face it, as a DON, there are always a million things to do. You can’t afford to waste time.

5. Adaptability

You ever walk into work and have a nurse do a no-call, no-show? Baby, baby! Suddenly, you’re hopping on a medication cart yourself. In this role, you must be able to adapt and keep it pushing. Trust me, I’ve cried about staffing issues later in my office, but in the moment, you just have to roll with the punches.

6. Team Building and Mentorship

If you don’t grow your team, guess who’s going to be doing all the work? That’s right—you! It’s crucial to build your team’s confidence and skills. Teach them, mentor them, and create a positive work environment. When your staff feels empowered, they’ll take ownership of their roles, and that takes a load off you.

7. Accountability

I’ve told my staff many times, “I messed up. Don’t do this.” Being accountable for your actions as a leader fosters an environment of trust. Your team needs to see that you’re human too, and that you’re learning right alongside them. Accountability shows integrity, and it encourages your staff to own their actions too.

Mastering these seven skills will not only help you succeed in the day-to-day operations but also inspire your team to give their best.

You’ll build a stronger, more resilient nursing department, and ultimately, drive the facility toward success.

Keep leading with confidence, and remember, you’ve got this!

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