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Writer's pictureBilquis Ali

From "I Don't Know" to "Let Me Find Out": A Director of Nursing's Journey to Leadership Excellence

Being a Director of Nursing is like being a lighthouse for your team – they look to you for guidance, solutions, and, yes, answers.

You’re the go-to person, the resource, the one who should know it all.

But let’s be real – what happens when you don’t?

When, despite your best efforts, you simply don’t have the answer?

It's a challenge many of us face, and, often, we’re embarrassed to admit it.

After all, aren’t we supposed to know everything?

But here’s the truth: the moment you step into a leadership role doesn’t mean you magically become an all-knowing being.

There will be times when you won’t know. And that’s okay.

I've said this in my book "Welcome To Long -Term Care"

I messed up many of times, In fact, not knowing isn’t a weakness – it’s an opportunity.

An opportunity to learn, to grow, and to show your team that being a great leader isn’t about having all the answers.

It’s about knowing how to find them and having the humility to admit when you don’t.

The more you learn and grow, the more you’ll transform from the “I don’t know” DON to the “Let me find out” DON.

And that, my friends, is a journey – a journey with many paths. And the best part?

The paths never end.

So, how do you start this journey?

How do you evolve as a Director of Nursing?

Here are a few tips to help guide you along your career path:

  1. Get a Mentor or Coach: It’s like having a cheat code to success. Having a mentor or coach provides support when you need it most. Whether it's troubleshooting a crisis or figuring out how to boost team morale, learning from someone who’s been there can give you a roadmap for success. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel – learn from those who’ve already rolled down the road.

  2. Surround Yourself with Like-Minded People: Let’s face it – there are plenty of DONs out there, but not all of them will vibe with your goals and mindset. It’s okay to be selective about who you surround yourself with. Choose people who are striving for growth, excellence, and better outcomes for their teams. You need colleagues who push you to be better, not just those who are content to coast.

  3. Join Your State DON Chapters: Networking within your state’s DON chapter is a game-changer. Not only do you get to exchange ideas with peers, but you also stay updated on regulations and best practices. It’s a chance to be part of a community that understands your unique challenges – and sometimes, a shared experience is the best teacher.

  4. Attend Conferences: Conferences are like a buffet for your brain. Go hungry! The knowledge, trends, and innovations you can gather at industry conferences will keep you ahead of the curve. Plus, they’re a great way to build relationships with other leaders who are passionate about long-term care.

  5. Read Books on Leadership: Want to be a great leader? Start by learning from great leaders. Books on leadership can offer fresh perspectives and actionable tips to help you refine your approach. Never stop feeding your mind, because a leader who isn’t growing is a leader who’s standing still.

  6. Read Books on Compliance: Ah, compliance – the never-ending maze we all must navigate. Staying on top of rules, regulations, and best practices is crucial for keeping your facility in good standing. Reading up on compliance ensures that you’ll be ready for any survey or inspection, armed with the knowledge to keep things running smoothly.

  7. Take Webinars: Webinars are an easy, efficient way to learn new skills or refresh old ones, all from the comfort of your own office (or even home!). Whether it’s a new compliance regulation or leadership strategy, there’s always something new to learn.

  8. Teach What You Learn: One of the best ways to solidify your own knowledge is to teach it to others. Whether it’s training new nurses or mentoring junior leaders, sharing what you’ve learned not only helps them grow but reinforces your expertise as well. As they say, when one teaches, two learn.

  9. Develop a Problem-Solving Mindset: A DON who can think on their feet is priceless. As a leader, you’ll face daily challenges that require quick thinking and strategic planning. Hone your problem-solving skills by analyzing situations, gathering input from your team, and weighing your options. And don’t forget – it’s okay to say, “Let me find out” and involve others in finding the best solution.

  10. Invest in Your Own Self-Care: You ever hear the saying...

    "You can’t pour from an empty cup." To be the best DON you can be, you must take care of yourself. Whether it’s taking time to recharge, practicing mindfulness, or setting boundaries, self-care is essential for avoiding burnout and staying sharp. Remember, your team needs you at your best – and that starts with prioritizing your own well-being.

Recommended Reading and Podcasts

Here are a few books that have been essential to my journey:

  • "Leaders Eat Last" – Simon Sinek

  • "The Power of Now" – Eckhart Tolle

  • "Start with Why" – Simon Sinek

  • "7 Habits of Highly Effective People" – Stephen R. Covey

  • "The Alchemist" – Paulo Coelho

  • "Grit" – Angela Duckworth

When I’m in the car, I like to keep my mind sharp by listening to these inspiring voices:

  • Mel Robbins

  • Oprah Winfrey

  • Les Brown

  • Zig Ziglar

  • Jim Rohn

  • Dale Nightingale

  • Brian Tracy

  • Dan Koe

  • David Goggins

  • Eric Thomas (ET)

My journey continues, with no end in sight – just many paths of continuous learning and enjoyment.

And that’s the beauty of it.

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