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Writer's pictureBilquis Ali

Implementing New Policies: How to Roll Out New Policies Without Losing Your Team's Trust

Let’s face it—implementing new policies can feel like you’ve just been handed a bomb with the timer already ticking.

I remember getting those emails from corporate, "This needs to be rolled out today."

Like, excuse me, what is it? Why are we doing it? And can I at least have my coffee first?

But hey, that’s the life of a Director of Nursing, right?

Rolling out new policies isn’t just about throwing information at your team and hoping it sticks.

It’s about understanding the "what," "why," and "who" of the policy so you can effectively communicate it to your team.

After all, the goal here is to make the facility better, not to lose the trust of the very people who make it run smoothly.

Step 1: Know the Policy Inside and Out

Before you even think about gathering your team for an in-service, you need to know the policy like the back of your hand.

This means reading it, comprehending it, and understanding why it’s being implemented in the first place.

What’s the purpose?

Is it to improve patient safety, streamline processes, or comply with new regulations?

Knowing the "why" helps you convey the importance of the policy to your team.

Step 2: Understand the Impact

Who does this policy affect?

Is it the nurses on the floor, the CNAs, or maybe even the residents and their families?

Understanding the impact allows you to address concerns and answer questions more effectively.

When you can explain how this policy will affect their daily routines, it shows that you’ve thought this through and you care about their input.

Step 3: Educate Your Team

Now that you’ve done your homework, it’s time to roll it out to your team.

But please, let’s do more than just hand out a piece of paper and say, "Read this and sign."

The key here is education. Break down the policy in a way that’s relatable. Use examples that they encounter in their day-to-day work.

Make it interactive, let them ask questions, and give them scenarios on how to implement the policy in real-life situations.

This is where you gain their buy-in.

Step 4: Address Concerns

Be prepared for some pushback.

Change is hard, and new policies can disrupt the routine.

Listen to your team’s concerns and address them honestly.

If there’s something you don’t know, admit it and promise to find out.

This builds trust and shows that you’re not just rolling out a policy for the sake of it, but because it’s necessary.

Step 5: Follow Up and Reinforce

Rolling out a new policy isn’t a one-and-done deal.

Follow up with your team to see how the policy is being implemented and if there are any challenges.

Reinforce the policy during team meetings and in-services to keep it fresh in their minds.

Celebrate successes and acknowledge those who are adapting well to the change.

Why Are Policies Important?

Let’s take a moment to remind ourselves why we even have policies in the first place. Policies are there to:

  • Ensure Consistency: They provide a standardized way of doing things, which ensures consistency in care and processes.

  • Improve Safety: Many policies are designed to protect residents, staff, and the facility from harm or liability.

  • Enhance Quality of Care: Policies help maintain high standards of care and service, ensuring residents receive the best possible care.

  • Compliance with Regulations: Staying compliant with state and federal regulations is crucial to avoid penalties and ensure the facility remains in good standing.

  • Provide Clarity: Policies offer a clear framework for how things should be done, which can reduce confusion and improve efficiency.

The Bottom Line

Rolling out new policies doesn’t have to feel like pulling teeth.

With the right approach, you can implement changes smoothly and keep your team’s trust intact.

Remember, it’s about educating, supporting, and reinforcing.

You’re not just a policy pusher; you’re a leader guiding your team towards better practices and outcomes.

So, the next time corporate sends you a "roll this out today" email, take a deep breath, grab that coffee, and remember—you’ve got this!

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