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Writer's pictureBilquis Ali

Okay Gang, It's the Mother Freaking Weekend!

If you’re like me, you’ve been counting down the days, hours, minutes to Friday, only to realize—surprise! —your behind has to work this weekend because, well, we’re staff challenged.

LOL, your girl can relate. 

But even with all that going on, I still want to take this moment to talk about something super important: recharging and regrouping over the weekend.

Now, I know what you’re thinking—“How am I supposed to recharge when I’m getting called into work because we’re down a nurse?” 

I feel you.

But listen, whether you’re working or not this weekend, I’m throwing down a challenge.


The Weekend Recharge Challenge: Do Less, Rest More

For those of you lucky enough to be off this weekend, here’s what I want you to do: Don’t. Open. That. Laptop. 

Don’t even think about logging into the facility system.

Don’t check your emails.

And for the love of all things, don’t call in to “just check how things are going.”

Trust me, the building won’t collapse if you don’t check in for 48 hours.

It’s easy to feel like the weight of the world (or at least your facility) rests on your shoulders, but guess what?

You deserve a break.

You need to recharge—mentally, physically, emotionally.

And here’s the kicker: when you do recharge, you come back stronger, sharper, and with the clarity needed to tackle the week ahead.

Why You Need to Recharge

Now, let’s talk about why you need this time.

You’re not just a Director of Nursing—you’re a problem solver, a decision-maker, and the backbone of your facility.

And that means you’re constantly ON.

All week, it’s go-go-go: staffing issues, compliance, resident care, meetings—if there’s a fire, you’re the one putting it out.

It’s exhausting!

And if you don’t give yourself time to step away, even just for a couple of days, you’re going to burn out.

Plain and simple.

You know how we tell our nurses to take breaks and rest between shifts so they can give the best care?

Yeah, we need to take our own advice.

If you’re always running on empty, you’re not helping yourself, your team, or your residents.

You can’t pour from an empty cup.

The Pain Points of Always Being “On”

Let’s be real—being a DON is like juggling sometimes.

And here’s where it gets tricky: because we care so much about the people we work with and care for, it’s easy to think we need to be involved in everything.

But that’s exactly what drains us.

We end up running on fumes, constantly reacting to problems, and feeling like we can’t ever step away without everything falling apart.

But never fear, your girl is here...

You might feel guilty for wanting a break, but guess what?

Taking time for yourself isn’t selfish—it’s necessary.

I even have it mapped out in your DON Planner. Take Your Break!

If you’re constantly pushing through without stopping to breathe, you’re doing more harm than good.

You’re not at your best when you’re exhausted, and let’s be honest—an exhausted DON is a cranky DON. (LOL, don’t act like you’ve never snapped at someone when you’re running on zero sleep and a full load of stress!)

Here’s the Plan: Unplug and Delegate

So, here’s the deal: if you don’t have to work this weekend, I challenge you to unplug completely.

Leave a list for your team so they know what issues they should contact you about and who’s on call.

Then, step away.

That’s it. End of story.

Trust your team. You’ve trained them well (I hope LOL), and they know how to handle things.

And if something happens that really needs your attention? They’ll call.

But don’t hover.

Don’t micromanage from home.

Leave it at the door.

Because, you’ve earned this time.

Whether you spend it binge-watching Netflix, taking a nap (or several), or just hanging with your family—take it.

No guilt. No second-guessing.

You deserve to come back Monday feeling recharged and ready to slay the week ahead.

The Bottom Line: Are You Up for the Challenge?

So, are you up for the challenge?

Can you really let go for two days and focus on yourself?

I know it sounds hard, especially when we’re wired to always be “on,” but trust me, your facility will survive without you for a couple of days. (And if it can’t, we’ve got bigger issues to address, LOL!)

Take the weekend to recharge.

Relax. Rest.

Do absolutely nothing if that’s what you need.

Because when you come back on Monday, refreshed and ready, your whole facility benefits.

Now, go enjoy your weekend. You’ve earned it!

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